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Animation Sub Menu - This function creates the animation sub menu. This is where each python file is referenced and put on the menu.
Part of Face Animation - This part of the face animation gives the image that is presented to the viewer. This is one part of the animaton.
Tree - This part of the code gets the height from the user. Upon getting the height, it uses a loop to go through the height and create the tree by adding a star until the desired height.
InfoDB Lists - This is where the InfoDB list dictionary comes from. Each part is appended into the InfoDB list. This contains the data and part of each list for InfoDB. InfoDB will contain the name, favoritesport, team, and topfoods data.
InfoDB Loops - This is what displays the data. These 3 types of loops are used to display the data, and this is what calls to these loop functions
Fibonacci - This is the recursive program that loops through to make the fibonacci sequence. The Try except follows, and is used when displaying the fibonacci sequence. It uses recur_fibonacci sequence to display the sequence, and the amount of terms in the sequence that the user wants.
Organization - This is the organization of my files. It goes by week, with the menu outside of these as it not based on one specific week
Factorial function - This factorial function uses classes and calls, with the class of factorial and the call being what the class itself actually does.
Math Function (GCD) - I chose the GCD math function. Written in both imperative and oop format, the imperative format uses a function of findgcd to execute the code. The class gcd uses call to execute the gcd function.